California Water Service Group

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the cancellation policy?

    You may cancel within 30 days of your start date for a full refund (or less any claims paid if cancelled at any time after renewal/reactivation, where applicable). Cancellations after the first 30 days will be effective at the end of the then-current billing month, and you will be entitled to a pro-rata refund less any claims paid (where applicable). You may also contact your utility or municipality to cancel if you find they provide similar coverage to you at no charge, and you will receive a refund less any claims paid (where applicable).

  • What quality of repair can I expect?

    Local, licensed and insured plumbers perform all covered repairs, which are guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for one year.

  • When can I make a service call?

    Your plan starts the day your order is processed, and there is an initial 30-day waiting period before you can make a service call, giving you 11 months of coverage during the first year.

  • Does my homeowners insurance cover this?

    Many homeowners believe their utility companies or homeowners insurance is responsible for emergency repairs to the water, sewer, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling systems, but the reality is that in many cases you, the homeowner, is responsible. Most basic homeowners insurance policies and local utility companies or municipalities do not cover repairs to or replacement of the major systems in and around your home.

  • Who is HomeServe?

    HomeServe is an independent provider of home repair service solutions. For over a decade, we have helped homeowners protect against the expense and inconvenience of water, sewer, electrical, heating, and cooling home emergencies by managing affordable coverage, and offering a quality service. HomeServe, with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, serves more than 4 million homeowners in the U.S. and Canada and dedicates itself to being a customer-focused company providing best-in-class emergency repair services through leading utility partners, municipalities and directly to consumers.

HomeServe USA